Advanced Higher
Drama is the investigation of scripted plays, the devising process (the creation of drama) and the use of drama technique, allowing pupils to experience new creative ideas and perspectives.
Levels available - National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher
Course Outline National 4 and National 5
S4 learners in Drama embark on either National 4 or National 5 Drama course which builds on the skill and knowledge developed through the BGE and incorporates advanced study of Production Areas. Learners in Drama focus on two main areas of study:
• Drama Skills: developing knowledge and skill needed to create, present and evaluate drama.
• Production Skills: developing knowledge and practical production skills (sound, lights, set design, make up & hair, costume, props).
In both the National 4 and National 5 Drama courses learners will be involved in devising from a stimulus, where they will have a chance to act and direct their own scene. They will also be given hands on experience of working in production areas such as lighting, sound, costume, set and make-up.
National 4 learners must have previously been successful at Level 3 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto National 5 (S5) and then Higher (S6) National 5 learners must have previously been successful at Level 4 or 5 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto Higher (S5) and then Advanced Higher (S6)
Assessment Requirements
National 4: Young people must pass each of the 2 units above. In addition learners complete an ‘Added Value Unit’ which comprises of a performance assessment in either an acting or production role. These are all assessed by the class teacher.
National 5: There are 2 areas of assessment for this course, a written paper (40%) and a performance assessment (60%). The written paper assesses application of use of key Drama concepts and terminology in addition to evaluation skills taught throughout both units, the paper lasts 1hr 30min. For the performance assessment, pupils are assessed on their Acting Skills or Production Skills (sound, lights, set design, make up & hair, costume or props). This practical assessment is assessed by a visiting SQA examiner in Feb-March.
Possible careers
• Actor
• Theatre Practitioner
• Director
• Stage Technician
• Lighting Designer/Engineer
• Sound Designer/Engineer
• Stage Designer
• Teacher
• Youth Worker
• Broadcast journalist
• Public Speaker
Pupils will also develop a range of highly transferable skills: Creative and imaginative thinking, co-operation and teamwork, leadership and confidence.
These skills are greatly sought in other subjects, further education and future employment.
Links to further info
National 4 SQA –
National 4 Bitesize -
National 5 SQA -
National 5 Bitesize -
St Mungo’s Faculty of Performing Arts -
Twitter - @StMungosFoPA