Our aim is to help young people unlock their potential, no matter their circumstances. Working together with our inspiring mentor community and partners, we can help young people to realise their skills and progress onto a positive destination. Our vision is for all young people to experience equality of education outcomes, career opportunities and life chances.

St Mungo’s MCR Pathways Coordinator is Joanne Dougan who runs the Young Glasgow Talent programme supporting groups of pupils to improve their engagement, attainment, achievement & ensure a positive destinations on leaving school. Joanne can be contacted through the school office or on joanne.dougan@glasgow.gov.uk
S1 and S2 pupils take part in weekly groupwork sessions to develop their interpersonal skills as well as providing learning that fits into all areas of the curriculum.
S3 to S6 pupils are supported by a 1-2-1 mentor one period each week to guide the young people onto a positive path and help them realise their potential. Mentoring continues until the young person decides they don’t need a mentor anymore or until they leave school, in which case they will still continue to receive support (if needed) for six months.