Why study Physics?
This course is designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of the concepts of Physics and its many applications in modern society. It provides the opportunity to develop skills necessary to find solutions to scientific problems, such as experimenting, investigating and analysing, and gives a deeper insight into the structure of the subject. The course makes a valuable contribution to your general education and provides a sound basis for further study.
The skills you learn on this course are valuable for careers in medicine, energy, industry, material development, the environment and sustainability.
Physics is the study of energy and matter. Physics tries to explain the world around us; why things fall when they are dropped, why you can walk on ice but not on water, how sound can be produced and manipulated, how information can be beamed around the world in an instant, how we get power to our homes, how CT scanners work, what everything is made of and even how the Universe began. If you want to understand the answer to any of these questions (or many others) then Physics is the subject for you.
An understanding of Physics is important in careers varying from astrophysics to archaeology, from radiography to telecommunications as well as ophthalmology, medicine, engineering and aviation (to name but a few).
Levels available - National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.
Course Outline (Both National 4 and National 5)
The courses consist of knowledge, problem solving and experimental practical skills. You will develop scientific understanding of issues relating to physics, consequently becoming scientifically literate.
Both presentation levels will study the same core areas of work and an assignment/research
In this area, the topics covered are: vectors and scalars; velocity–time graphs; acceleration; Newton’s laws; energy; projectile motion, space exploration; cosmology...
In this area, the topics covered are: electrical charge carriers; potential difference (voltage); Ohm’s law; practical electrical and electronic circuits; electrical power.
In this area, the topics covered are: specific heat capacity; specific latent heat; gas laws and the kinetic model.
In this area, the topics covered are: wave parameters and behaviours; electromagnetic spectrum; refraction of light and nuclear radiation.
Learners will extend and apply their knowledge and skills through practical experimental work and research of Ohm’s Law and stopping distance.
National 4 learners must have previously been successful at Level 3 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto National 5 (S5) and then Higher (S6)
National 5 learners must have previously been successful at Level 4 or 5 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto Higher (S5) and then Advanced Higher (S6)
Assessment Requirements
• Continuous class and homework assessment
• Successful completion of internal assessments
• Completed Added Value Project
• No final SQA examination
• Continuous class and homework assessment
• Successful completion of internal unit assessments
• Completion of Added Value Assignment
• SQA Course Examination (2.5 hours)
Possible careers
• Architect
• Electronics engineer
• Physics Teacher
• Chemical engineer
• Computer scientist
• Civil engineer
• Scientific laboratory technician
• Nuclear engineer
• Radiographer
• Dentist
• Gas service technician
• Sports and exercise scientist
• Electrician
• Medical physicist
• Doctor
Links to further info
National 4 SQA - https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/47425.html
National 4 Bitesize - https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/znb39j6
National 5 SQA - https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/47430.html
National 5 Bitesize – https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/z6fsgk7
Twitter: @StMungoScience