Why study Music Technology?
Studying music technology allows you to express yourself through music while developing your knowledge of music and technology. You will develop a broad understanding of the music industry and the skills it requires, such as planning and organising, creative thinking, research, critical thinking and decision making, as well as working both collaboratively and independently.
This course is especially suitable if you have broad musical interests, and are particularly interested in music technology and 20th and 21st century music. This course also provides pathways to higher levels of study.
The skills that you develop in Music Technology are useful in careers such as musician, DJ, sound technician, roadie and musical instrument technologist.
Music Technology Courses enable learners to develop skills in the use of music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio, and to use music technology creatively in sound production. The Course also enables learners to analyse a range of 20th and 21st century musical styles and genres, focusing on main music and production features developed during this period.
Levels available - National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher
Course Outline Both National 4 and National 5
At both National 4 and 5 level pupils are required to complete a course of Music Understanding, Technology Skills and Technology in Context.
• Understanding Music in the 20th Century: developing understanding of musical and technology specific concepts through listening to different genres and styles of music. Pupils also learn about technology effects, processes and intellectual property.
• Technology Skills: Developing the technology skills required to complete a project e.g. setting up a recording station.
• Technology in Context: putting technology skills into practice on projects such as a radio broadcast, audio book, foley, multi-tracking, etc.
National 4 learners must have previously been successful at Level 3 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto National 5 (S5) and then Higher (S6)
National 5 learners must have previously been successful at Level 4 or 5 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto Higher (S5) and then Advanced Higher (S6)
Assessment Requirements
• Continuous class and homework assessment
• Understanding Music Prelim in December
• Successful completion of internal assessments for Understanding Music and Technology Skills Units
• Completion of Technology Context Unit Folio
• Completed Added Value Project
• No final SQA examination
• Continuous class and homework assessment
• Understanding Prelim in December
• Completion of Project Folio – sent to the SQA for marking in March
• SQA Understanding Paper in April/May/June diet of exams
Possible careers
• Sound engineering
• Music Production
• Radio DJ
• Broadcasting
• Digital Performance
• Music for film/animation
• Stage Management
• Front of House
• Music journalist
• Editorial assistant
• Events Management
• PR/advertisement
Pupils will also develop a range of highly transferable skills: independence, preparation, performance, self-refection/analysis, and confidence. These skills are greatly sought in other subjects, further education and future employment.
Links to further info
National 4 SQA - https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/56949.html
National 4 Bitesize - https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/zgk2fg8
National 5 SQA - https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/56950.html
National 5 Bitesize - https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/zb97sbk
St Mungo’s Faculty of Performing Arts - www.performingartsstmungos.wordpress.com
Musipedia - www.ataea.co.uk
Twitter - @StMungosFoPA