Why study Music?
Music gives you the opportunity to use your imagination and express yourself in a creative and practical way. It helps you to develop important skills such as: playing a musical instrument, communication, creative thinking, using your voice, composing and arranging music. You can develop and consolidate your skills in performing and creating music, and develop your creativity and confidence as you explore and develop your own creative ideas and music.
The skills you learn on this course not only makes a valuable contribution to your general education and personal development but also allows you to develop the skills and knowledge required to proceed to further study and/or follow a career in music.
Music is a creative outlet for young people who enjoy listening to, performing or writing music. It provides them with the opportunity to develop their vocal and/or instrumental skills, explore sounds and musical concepts, and use their imagination and composing skills to create their own musical ideas.
Levels available - National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher
Course Outline Both National 4 and National 5
At both National 4 and 5 level pupils are required to complete a course of Music Understanding, Composing and Performing Skills on 2 instruments.
Understanding Skills
Composing Skills
• Score or Performance Plan – detailing how to play the composed piece of music
• Composition Audio – a recording of the composition
• Compositional Review – a write up of the main decisions made, compositional processes and strengths/next steps
Performing Skills
• National 4 – 2 samples of music on each instrument or instrument and voice at ABRSM Grade 2 standard
• National 5 – 8 minute programme with a minimum of 2 pieces of each instrument or instrument and voice at ABRSM Grade 3 standard
ADDED VALUE UNIT: Performance Assignment
Learners will extend and apply their performance skills through an 8 minute performance exam. This includes performance of a minimum of 2 pieces on 2 instruments or an instrument and voice.
National 4 learners must have previously been successful at Level 3 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto National 5 (S5) and then Higher (S6)
National 5 learners must have previously been successful at Level 4 or 5 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto Higher (S5) and then Advanced Higher (S6)
Assessment Requirements
• Continuous class and homework assessment
• Performance and Understanding Prelim in December
• Successful completion of internal assessments for Understanding and Performing Skills
• Completion of Composition Skills folio
• Completed Added Value Performance Assessment
• No final SQA examination
• Continuous class and homework assessment
• Performance and Understanding Prelim in December
• Completion of SQA Performance Exam to external examiner in February/March
• Completion of Composition Folio – sent to the SQA for marking in April
• SQA Understanding Paper in April/May/June diet of exams
Possible careers
• Performer
• Music Production
• Events Management
• PR/advertisement
• Sound engineering
• Secondary school teacher
• Primary school teacher
• Nursery/ Early Years teacher
• Child care
• Music therapy
• Music journalist
• Editorial assistant
• Stage Management
• Front of House
Pupils will also develop a range of highly transferable skills: independence, preparation, performance, self-refection/analysis, and confidence. These skills are greatly sought in other subjects, further education and future employment.
Links to further info
National 4 SQA - https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/47387.html
National 4 Bitesize - https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/z96fcdm
National 5 SQA - https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/47391.html
National 5 Bitesize - https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/zkty4wx
St Mungo’s Faculty of Performing Arts - www.performingartsstmungos.wordpress.com
Musipedia - www.ataea.co.uk
Twitter - @StMungosFoPA