Why study Graphic Communication?
Graphic Communication in all its forms is vital to society. It is a means of getting across information visually using graphics. Graphic communication comes in many forms and various aspects of life including education, industry and commerce.
This course is designed to increase your awareness of how graphics are used, and to learn about the technology used to create them. You will create 2D, 3D and pictorial graphics with visual impact or that transmits information, digitally and on paper.
The skills you learn in this course are useful in many career areas including Architecture, Surveying, Engineering or Design and Marketing.
The course provides opportunities for candidates to gain skills in reading, interpreting and creating graphic communications. They also learn to apply knowledge and understanding of graphic communication standards, protocols and conventions. The course is practical, exploratory and experiential in nature and combines elements of recognised professional standards for graphic communication, partnered with graphic design creativity.
Levels available - National 4 National 5 and Higher
Course Outline Both National 4 and National 5
Students will study the following:
Develop creativity and skills within a 2D and 3D graphic communication context. They initiate, develop and communicate ideas using graphic techniques in straightforward and familiar contexts, as well as in some less familiar or new contexts. Students also develop 2D and 3D graphic spatial awareness.
Students will study and attain skills in producing preliminary, production and promotional graphics used in various industries. They will gain knowledge of standards and conventions across a range of graphic styles. They will develop a knowledge of equipment and technologies used in graphics which is vitally important when learning new software and drawing techniques. They will also study the impact of graphics on society and the environment. Students use both manual and electronic graphic techniques to develop these skills.
National 4 learners must have previously been successful at Level 3 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto National 5 (S5) National 5 learners must have previously been successful at Level 4 or 5 and, if successful, can progress to the Higher Graphics senior phase option.
Assessment Requirements
• Continuous assessment through the 2D and 3D units.
• The two units are combined throughout the year with practical graphics tasks.
• Completed Added Value Project – January to April
• No final SQA examination
• Continuous assessment through the 2D and 3D units
• The two units are combined throughout the year with practical graphics tasks.
• Completion of 8 hour coursework assessment –- 40 Marks
• SQA Course Examination – 80 marks
Possible careers
• Graphic Designer
• Architect
• Biocarbon engineer
• Steel fixer
• Set designer
• Civil engineer
• Automotive engineer
• Quantity surveyor
• Product Designer
• Welder
• Robotics engineer
• Interior designer
Links to further info
Graphic Communication course spec’s at all levels: https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/47459.html
Revision materials / course resources: www.technologystudent.com and https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/znpy4wx
Twitter: @STMtechnologies