Why study Business Management?
We all rely on businesses to create wealth, prosperity, jobs and choices. Studying Business Management gives you the opportunity to develop important skills such as problem solving, communication, planning and organising. You will learn through real-life business contexts how organisations operate.
These skills are valuable in a wide range of career sectors but are particularly useful if you are interested in entering the world of business — whether as a manager, employee or self-employed person.
Young people see the ways in which society relies on businesses and other organisations to satisfy its needs, and an understanding of how to use business information to interpret and report on overall business performance.
Levels available - National 4, National 5 and Higher
Course Outline
Both National 4 and National 5
Students will study five specific areas:
- Understanding business
- Candidates are introduced to the business environment while developing skills, knowledge and understanding of enterprise.
- Management of marketing
- Candidates develop skills, knowledge and understanding of the importance to organisations of having effective marketing systems.
- Management of operations
Candidates develop skills, knowledge and understanding of the importance to organisations of having effective operations systems.
Management of people
Candidates develop skills, knowledge and understanding of the issues facing organisations when managing people.
Management of finance
Candidates develop skills, knowledge and understanding of the issues facing organisations when managing finance.
Learners will draw on and apply the skills, knowledge and understanding they have gained from across the other Units of the Course. This will be demonstrated by an assignment which is internally assessed and subject to SQA external verification
National 4 learners must have previously been successful at Level 3 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto National 5 (S5) and then Higher (S6) National 5 learners must have previously been successful at Level 4 or 5 and, if successful, can possibly progress onto Higher (S5) and then Advanced Higher (S6)
Assessment Requirements
• Continuous class and homework assessment
• Successful completion of internal assessments – April
• Completed Added Value Project
• No final SQA examination
• Continuous class and homework assessment
• Successful completion of internal unit assessments - April
• Completion of an SQA internally assessed component.
• SQA Course Examination
Possible careers
• Entrepreneur
• Small business owner / worker
• All Law jobs
• Accountant
• Banking sector
• finance
Knowing how to manage a business from the inside, out, is a quality that all budding entrepreneurs should have!
Links to further info
All course descriptions from National 4 to Higher are available here https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/45693.html
https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/zd6fcdm for revision materials.
Twitter: @STMtechnologies