You are here: Physical Education > Young Ambassadors Programme
At St Mungos Academy, we run a young ambassadors programme for pupils keen to be involved in the promotion and delivery of extra curricular sports clubs and events in the school.
Roles within this programme include
- Register taking for clubs
- Promotion of clubs and sporting events in the school
- Some delivery or assisting delivery of clubs for capable Y.A's
- Setting up of new exciting clubs and finding out what pupils would like introduced in the school
Benefits to this programme
- Gaining confidence in planning overseeing clubs in the school
- Working with like minded pupils to promote health and well-being in and out of school life.
- Great Programme to be added to your CV or UCAS form when leaving school.
- Having the freedom to create programmes/clubs/events that you think would work in the school to promote sport and wellbeing.
- Representing the YA prgammre By being issued with a YA polo shirt or Hoody.
If you would like to sign up for this or want more information pleaee email your active Schools Coordinator on or speak to Miss sullivan in PE