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Further information on Clubs
Boxing club
Start date - Monday 30th October in St mungos Gym hall. This will be run by local community boxing club Bluve vale community club. We will also be going up to Blue Vale club in Dennistoun on alternative weeks.
Consent forms for vsisting Bluevale will be handed out in thre first session at the school on 30th October.
Empowering you bodies and minds programme.
this is a new age Girls fitness programme centered around mental and physical well being & mindset which was piloted in ST Mungos Academy.
The session is split into two halves where Coach Rebecca will spend half of the session going through a bespoke workbook with the gilr about goal setting, how they are feeling and general chat about what healthy habits they could start to implement in their life as well as go over goals set from the week before to see if they had hit them.
The second half of their session is getting more gym confident by being shown how to use various equipment including barbell movements like Deadlift & back squat as well as how to change the weights safely and help support their friends in the gym. Following this there is a hiit session at the end of the session incorporating what they have learned that week and previous weeks to build all round confidence for the girls to take into a Gym setting in their own time.
This is something different to all other girls gym programmes in the city of Glasgow
Dance club Run by Former St mungos Pupil and sportys leader Brooke Burke, This club will swork towards competing in the secondary dance Heats Held in Early 2024. Qualifiying from this earns a place in the 2024 City of Dance Finals held in the Royal Concert hall. Here is a photo of our 2023-23 Dance team (And coach Brooke) that competed in the North East secondary Dance Heats....
Sporting achievments